Church Contacts
There are many people involved in the life and work of the church, here are just a few of them that you can contact for support, prayers, or to ask questions.

Hi, I’m the first voice you’ll hear on the phone, but if I’m not in please leave a message. And if you’re not sure who you need to speak to please give me a call. Office hours: 9.00 to 12.30 on Wednesdays, Thursdays & FridaysChurch Secretary

Kleber Machado
During this time of vacancy please feel free to contact me.Interim Moderator

Fiona Menzies
Session Clerk

Rev. Donald MacLeod
Hi, do you have any concerns? or need a listening ear …or a prayer? I’m at the other end of a phone.Pastoral Assistant

Kim Halliday-Robertson
Children and Youth Worker

In need of prayer? Please call on the number below. Or send a message with the heading “Prayer Chain” If you feel the need of prayer support for any situation the prayer chain of 15 dedicated members are always ready to pray. Your message will be sent through the chain, sympathetically and with full confidentiality.Prayer Chain Coordinator

Shona and Malcolm Mackay
In addition to the confidential Prayer Chain, we are pleased to receive requests for prayer for the work of the church, the community and the wider world, to be included in the Prayer Diary which is produced every 4 months. Together with Lenzie Old Parish Church we also meet to pray for the community and beyond. Prayer initiatives will be highlighted in News page.Joint Prayer Coordinators - contact us at