Lenzie Union Parish Church

A Church of Scotland Congregation

Can you Help?

We're always looking for people to help out!

...with Youth Cafe?

By being an adult presence at Youth Café on a rota basis? Please contact Kim for further information.



...with Our Coffee Mornings?

Perhaps join a rota?

At Meeting Place on a Wednesday morning

Contact Iris 0141 776 5170

At Coffee Pot on a Friday morning  

Contact Fiona 0774 846 0325

...with Driving Others to Church?

A few people need help to get to church. Would you be willing join a rota and to help occasionally?

Contact Hugh       hugh.wright7@ntlworld.com

...with Church Gardens?

Enjoy pottering about in the garden? Join the Gardening Group and help keep our grounds looking attractive. Contact Sheila 07815851777

...with Church Flowers?

Do you enjoy arranging flowers? … or simply want to donate a bunch ?

Get in touch via the church office

...with Boys Brigade?

Did you enjoy going to Boys Brigade in your youth?  

Would you consider helping out at Boys Brigade, either occasionally or regularly? If so, contact Hugh Wright to find out more. hugh.wright7@ntlworld.com 

...with AV in Church?

There is a space at this desk for you!  

Why not give it a go? We’d be delighted to welcome, guide and support you. 

Contact Margaret 07792168826