Faith in Action, at Home and Abroad
Monday 27th Jan
Faith in Action, at home and abroad.
Humbled and moved, whether present in church, or watching from home, we all felt the same!
We had focused on the plights of others, young and old, on their dreadful circumstances in which they found themselves. And we heard of the amazing differences that a few willing workers can make.
The Sunday Service on 26 January led by the Mission & Discipleship Team focused on Mission. Our all age talk explained Mission to the young folks , and the not so young!
We heard about the Lodging House Mission in Glasgow and its work with many vulnerable, homeless people. Not only do they provide them with food, they enable them to turn their lives around as they develop life skills, self-esteem, confidence and a sense of belonging, What a difference this makes!

We read from James 2: 14 –17 “ ….. If one of you says to them Go in peace; keep warm and well fed, but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
We were pleased to hear about the work of our partner Crosslinks and we joined them in praising God that the door is wide open for the gospel to be preached in Moldova, which borders Ukraine. We heard by video link from Graeme who works for Crosslinks in Moldova. He thanked us for our support as he and his wife Bequi lead Bible studies and youth groups for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Callum Henderson from Comfort International gave us a moving presentation of their work in Rwanda and South Sudan and in particular the work of Batsinda Street Kids Rescue. Building schools and ultimately providing a way out of poverty is making such a difference. Hearing how individual lives have been changed and seeing the happiness on their faces was heartwarming!

We also heard of the work of their partners Comfort Congo who work to help the many displaced people there who are affected by war.
Humbled and moved, we prayed for the 3 organisations and also for guidance when carrying out God’s mission work in Lenzie.