Lenzie Union Parish Church

A Church of Scotland Congregation


We don’t have all the answers and have lots of questions. We’re among the 2.3 billion Christians in the world today trying to follow Jesus Christ. Jesus taught ‘Love your neighbour as you love yourself’ and we believe in putting Jesus’ words into practice. Jesus said ‘God so loved the world that he gave his only Son’. We believe that God created the world in its beauty and variety and that God loves the whole world with passion. We believe that Jesus (born c4BCE and died c33CE) is God’s Son and he lived and showed God’s love in all its fullness. We believe that out of love for the world Jesus gave up his life on a Roman cross, and that he defeated the power of evil then. We believe God raised Jesus to life at Easter and that Jesus is Lord of all things and at work in the world today in the Holy Spirit.

We believe that like every human being we make mistakes and spoil life for other people and for God’s creation. But we believe that because of Jesus’ self-giving love on the cross God freely offers forgiveness to everyone who asks. We believe that because Jesus is risen God invites all who trust him to live with him for eternity – and to live for him right now. We believe God continually surprises us! The author C.S. Lewis wrote that being a Christian is like a living house where God is making changes and alterations that take us by surprise , ‘You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage – but he is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it himself.’ (Mere Christianity)