Lenzie Union Parish Church

A Church of Scotland Congregation

Take a Step of Faith

Whether it is the first step, or another step on your journey, Lenzie Union can help.

Prayer Chain?

If you feel the need of prayer support for any situation the prayer chain of dedicated members are always ready to pray. Your message will be sent through the chain, sympathetically and with full confidentiality.You can leave a message here.


Want to explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, friendly environment? We're delighted to invite you to our Alpha classes, on Wednesday afternoons starting 1:30 pm until around 3:00pm from the beginning of October, in the Lenzie Union New Hall Unpack the Big Questions of Life No pressure, No judgement Video - Coffee and Cake - Friendly Chat Come along any time you can!

Cluster studies?

Opportunities to share, learn together and grow in faith. Watch out for the next one, a new study  is planned for Spring 2025.

Lenzie Prays?

Prayer for our community and beyond Two local churches Lenzie Union and Lenzie Old unite in prayer. Come and pray together. "Lenzie Prays" .... Together with Lenzie Old Church we seek opportunities for prayer for the community and beyond. Feel free to come along. See news and events for details.

Daily Devotional?

Download this app (Lectio 365) on your phone.Lectio 365 is a free daily devotional resource that helps you pray and read the Bible every day. Tune into God’s presence and peace by slowing down, meditating on scripture, listening to God and praying for 10 minutes at the beginning and end of each day. No need to plan. So easy and worthwhile.

Bible Study?

Would you, like many of us, like to know and understand the Bible better? Would you like to grow in your walk with Jesus?Here is an opportunity to join a group of like-minded men and women.Meeting as a small, relaxed and friendly house group, we can freely talk and ask questions over tea.The Thursday Evening Group is due to begin a new 13 part Lifebuilder study on 17th October. This will be based on Hebrews and is entitled “Race to Glory”. Hebrews Ch 12 v 1- "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."Want to join in that…