Lenzie Union Parish Church

A Church of Scotland Congregation

The Guild – James Carmichael - an excellent speaker

Monday 21st October 

 Our guest speaker this evening was James Carmichael, a retired lecturer and crime writer who grew up in Glasgow. His topic was Polio which turned out to be a most inspiring, thought provoking and enlightening talk. The heart-rending stories of children diagnosed with polio being completely isolated from family with sandbags set on them to prevent any movement and being kept in hospital for a year or more was a reminder of how things have moved on in treatment and care. Polio, however, is still a problem in many parts of the world and James told us of the End Polio Now campaign of which he is President. In this role he travels all over Britain giving talks on the importance of effective vaccines. There is no cure for Post-Polio syndrome which emphasises the need for everyone to be protected. 

James explained that Polio can be caught from being in contact with contaminated water for example. The Pro Plus Society is providing clean water around the world as well as protecting hundreds of children with a potentially life saving vaccine. The devastation of war torn countries such as Gaza cause untold misery to the thousands risking their lives to be vaccinated. 

James finished his talk by emotionally explaining that his biggest challenge has been to adapt to the simple fact that his condition will deteriorate. All he can do is to `pace` himself which was not an easy thing for him to accept. His final words were “No-one today should contact Polio”.