Saturday 14th Dec

What a delight to see the faces of the young pupils , totally engaged in the story of the first Christmas.
They were ….
Engrossed as Mary talked to them in her house,
Amazed when Gabriel appeared,
Excited as they went with Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem
Amused by the antics of the shepherds on the hillside,
Worried about the sheep when they heard the howls of the wolves,
Dazzled by the Angel when she brought good news.
Bewildered as they wondered what would happen next,
Intrigued by the Wisemen deliberating on the meaning of the star,
Totally involved as they followed the star all the way to Bethlehem,
Delighted to meet Joseph, Mary and Baby Jesus in the stable
And reassured that Jesus was God’s Son when they met Simeon and Anna in the Temple.
The evening performances were equally enjoyed by the many people, young and not so young, who came along. Some came for the first time and others came as this is now a Christmas tradition!